Town Messages


TOWN OF GREENVILLE NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION SUBJECT TO A PERMISSIVE REFERENDUM PROPOSING TO ADOPT A LOCAL LAW OPTING OUT OF CANNABIS SALE IN THE TOWN OF GREENVILLE   NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Greenville, Greene County, New York at a Regular Meeting thereof held on the 30th day of December 2021 duly adopted a resolution to enact a local law opting out of the sale of cannabis within the town, subject to a permissive referendum. RESOLVED that the foregoing resolution was adopted subject to a permissive referendum. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the foregoing resolution shall become effective without action of the Town Board on the 14th day of February in the year 2022 unless a petition requesting that a Referendum thereon be submitted to the voters in the manner required by law.   By order of the Town Board of

Attention Town of Greenville Residents

Pursuant to Section 1660, Subdivision 8 of the Vehicle & Traffic Law of the State of New York, The Town Superintendent of Highways is authorized to have any vehicle parked or abandoned on Town Highways during snow storms or other public emergencies where such vehicle constitutes an obstruction to traffic and/or for the removal of snow removed at the vehicle owner’s expense.  The Town of Greenville will not be held responsible for any damage incurred during removal or storage of said vehicle.  Also under Section 1660, Subdivision 8 of the Vehicle & Traffic Law of the State of New York there is to be no discarding of snow on any Highway or Public Roads.  Per Town Board motion on October 18, 2021.

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