The Dog Control Officer (DCO) is appointed by the Town to assist in the enforcement of NYS Dept. of Ag & Markets Article 7: Licensing, Identification and Control of Dogs and local laws. The DCO is authorized to serve appearance tickets when violations of Article 7 or local laws have been committed. Any person who observes a dog in violation of these laws may file a complaint with the DCO. Any dog running loose may be picked up by the DCO.
Please visit the Ag & Markets website for further information on Article 7.
2025 Greene County Rabies Clinic Schedule
To be announced…
Frequently Asked Questions
Who do I contact for a dog license?
Contact the Town Clerk at 966-5055, Ext. 5. All dogs four months of age or older residing within the Town of Greenville must be licensed as a matter of NYS Law. At the time of the original license application, a certificate of altering must be presented if the dog has been spayed or neutered. Such one-time proof will be sufficient for the life of the dog. Proof of current rabies vaccination is also required to initially license as well as renew the license. A renewal notice will be sent to the owner one month prior to the expiration date. The fee for an altered dog is $10 per year; an unaltered dog is $20 per year. Discounts for dog owners aged 65 and older are available, and equals $3 per year per dog. Fees are payable by cash, check, or money order.
A purebred license may be issued to owners of multiple dogs of the same breed at the same address. Each dog must have an AKC or comparable Registration Certificate and proof of a current rabies vaccination. If a dog has been altered, proof of such is also required. The costs are $50 for up to 10 dogs, plus $3 per unaltered dog or $1 per spayed/neutered dog.
What happens to stray dogs found running at large?
If a dog is found to be running at large, our Dog Control Officer may pick up the dog. If the dog has the Town of Greenville license tag on, the owner will be notified immediately. If the owner or adult member of the family cannot be reached, the dog will be taken to the Columbia-Greene Humane Society (125 Humane Society Road, Hudson, NY 12534; 518-828-6004) to await redemption by the owner. The CGHS has an impoundment fee of $35 per day, plus a Town fine of $100 if the dog is taken there by the DCO.
What if my dog is missing?
If your dog is missing, we recommend first calling the Clerk or Dog Control Officer to inquire of any sightings/reports of wandering dogs. The dog should ALWAYS be wearing its tag for identification.
Where do I report issues of suspected animal cruelty?
Issues of animal cruelty should be reported to the Columbia-Greene Humane Society at 518-828-6044 ext. 6.
What should I do if I find a stray dog?
ONLY if safe to do so, contain the dog. Obtain a description of the animal, general appearance, breed, sex, coloring, and the tag number if present. Contact the Town Clerk or Dog Control Officer. She will direct you from there. If you are unable to reach either Clerk or DCO, and need immediate assistance, call your local Sheriff or 911.