The Town of Greenville Water system serves 1900 people through 260 service connections. Our water source is from two wells, which are located at the northern end of town on the east side of Route 32. The water is chlorinated for disinfection purposes and is treated with a corrosion-inhibitor prior to distribution. Additionally, we filter the water through greensand filters to control taste and odor problems.
Annual Drinking Water Quality Reports
Frequently Asked Questions
When will my water bill arrive?
Water meters are read quarterly, on or about the 15th of January, April, July and October. Bills are calculated and mailed on the 15th of February, May, August and November.
What are the rates?
The municipal water rates are $70 for the use of 10,000 gallons and under for both commercial and residential users.
Over 10,000 gallons of use would be an additional $7 per 1,000 gallons for both commercial and residential users.
*Effective 4/17/2024*